About Us

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light is the religion founded by the Qaim of the Family of Mohammed, Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) and Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family). It is the fulfillment of prophecy as per the narrations and scriptures of the Abrahamic faiths. It is the religion that was foretold by the holy Household of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) to emerge in the end times.

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light is the religion described in the narrations and traditions of Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed as “the new religion” which Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) and the Qaim of the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) bring forth whereby they fill the world with justice and equity as it has been filled with injustice and tyranny.

Twenty-three years ago, signs of the fulfillment of this great prophecy appeared on the horizon, when Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) appeared in 1999 in Basra, Iraq, claiming to be a Messenger from Imam Mahdi to all the people, and the promised Yamani prophesied by the holy Household of Prophet Mohammed in the narrations.
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) began establishing the pillars of this religion by reviving people’s relationship with their Lord. He came with a truth that no one had preceded him with. He revealed a road map that God had set for us since the beginning of time, a road map by which people can find their way back to God. That roadmap is the law of knowing the Vicegerent or the Proof of God.

The Law of Knowing the Vicegerent

The law of knowing the Vicegerent or the Proof of God is a law derived from the Holy Qur’an and the story of creation, and it states that the Divine Messenger in every age is identified by three criteria, firstly: that he be appointed by God and mentioned on the tongue of a previous Prophet or Messenger, secondly: that he is knowledgeable of everything and possesses Divine knowledge, and thirdly: that he calls to God and to God’s rulership, meaning that God alone is the One who appoints the Caliph or the ruler.
No one fulfilled these three criteria in this day and age except for Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace), for he has come forth with a book from the Prophet of God Mohammed, his holy Will in which he mentions Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) and his successor and soul son and the one who paves the way for him, Abdullah Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace), by name:

The Appearance of the Yamani Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From him is peace)

Twenty-three years ago, signs of the fulfillment of this great prophecy appeared on the horizon, when Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) appeared in 1999 in Basra, Iraq, claiming to be a Messenger from Imam Mahdi to all the people, and the promised Yamani prophesied by the holy Household of Prophet Mohammed in the narrations.
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) began establishing the pillars of this religion by reviving people’s relationship with their Lord. He came with a truth that no one had preceded him with. He revealed a road map that God had set for us since the beginning of time, a road map by which people can find their way back to God. That roadmap is the law of knowing the Vicegerent or the Proof of God.

Being appointed in the holy Will

And so the companions of the holy Will became the companions/leaders of this blessed Call, with Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) as the effective head and founder of the faith, and the Qaim/Riser of the Family of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family). Thus, that sacred document became the solid foundation upon which this faith firmly stands. And the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light became the only voice calling for the Supremacy of God on Earth and rejecting the supremacy of the people (i.e. people appointing their ruler) and the destruction, corruption, and oppression it resulted in for all mankind. In addition to that, the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light became a spring of Divine knowledge, the likes of which nobody has ever come forth with, knowledge that was over-flowing from Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan and his successor Aba Al-Sadiq (From Them is Peace) to all mankind.

The appearance of imam Mahdi at the prophesied time

On January 23, 2015, this Divine Call was the only one that gave the world the glad tiding of the fulfilment of a promise made by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), i.e. the appearance of Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) upon the death of Abdullah, the ruler of Hijaz. 

Thus, this religion is the only one that announced the appearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH & his Family) on that date, as well as the end of his occultation and the raising of the Black Banners of the East by the Riser Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace).

the Seventh Covenant

Believers from all walks of life and all ethnicities, backgrounds, nationalities, and countries were attracted to this religion. This was reflected in the role that this religion and its leader play in uniting people under one banner, One God and one truth, as described by the narrations and traditions. This religion does not know discrimination and welcomes all people, whoever they may be.
This fact is manifested in the new Covenant that this religion has come forth with, the Seventh and final Covenant that God establishes between Himself and the souls, a Covenant that validates the Covenants of all the previous Prophets and Messengers, and a Covenant which unites all of the religions once again.


The Return of pure souls

Among the beliefs held by the followers of the faith is that we are living in the end times and that the Earth is never free of a Divine leader in every age who is appointed by God and works by His commands. Adherents of this faith also believe in reincarnation and the Return of the Prophets, Messengers, and Righteous ones in this round to give victory to and support Imam Mahdi on his mission.


The Divine Just State

Central to this faith lies the mission of establishing a Divine Just State in which only God and His Vicegerent rule, and eliminating evil, oppression, and tyranny. It is a state that the Prophets, Messengers, and Vicegerents have been seeking to build and have paved the way for in their time, and it is finally established at the hands of the Riser in this age, as a culmination of their efforts and sacrifices.


Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) Meets Imam Mohammed Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family)

And the story of this meeting was that one day I was asleep and in my sleep, I saw a vision. And the Imam Mahdi (PBUH) was standing near the Mausoleum of Sayyed Mohammed, the brother of Imam Al-Askari (PBUH). And he ordered me to meet him and after that, I woke up and it was 2 am. And I prayed 4 Raka’s of the Night Prayer. And I went to sleep and saw another vision also having Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in it asking to meet me. And I woke up and it was 4 am and so I finished my night prayers and then prayed Fajr.

Then after two days of these visions, I traveled to Samarra where I found the two Imams Al Hadi and Al Askari, (PBUH). Then I returned to Balad where I found Sayyed Mohammed (PBUH) then I went to Baghdad where I found the Imams Al-Kadhim and Al-Jawwad (PBUT). Then I went to Karbala where I found Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and the martyrs (PBUT). And I met Imam Mahdi (PBUH) at night in the Mausoleum of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). Then I met with Imam Al Mahdi in the morning in the Maqam of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), which is in Karbala at the end of the Al-Sidra street.

So we sat in the Maqam alone, which was almost empty of people, with the exception of the servant (of the Maqam) who was standing in the women’s prayer area away from us.

-Excerpt from “The Sermon of the Meeting” by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan