April 08, 2024

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. 4. The Divine Just State

AROPL believers expect a millennial kingdom of peace and justice, ruled by a wise philosopher-king.

The man in front of us exudes instant sympathy. He is standing next to his young and smiling wife and tells us how he—and she—were the first to be surprised when his mentor told him that he was the prophesied Mahdi. He was just a simple young man, he said, as many others. Having met more than one religious leader sitting, sometimes literally, on a throne and dominating his (more rarely her) followers with an arrogant and despotic gaze, we are pleasantly surprised. Yet, we perfectly understand that this really nice guy in his early forties makes bold claims about himself. He, Abdullah Hashem Aba al-Sadiq, is the leader of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light (AROPL), a Shia-derivative new religion not to be confused with the Sunni-derivative Ahmadiyya community currently under severe persecution in Pakistan. To his devotees, he is the Qaim, the “Riser of the Family of Muhammad,” the figure prophesied to emerge in the end times to bring peace and justice to the world.


Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) Meets Imam Mohammed Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family)

And the story of this meeting was that one day I was asleep and in my sleep, I saw a vision. And the Imam Mahdi (PBUH) was standing near the Mausoleum of Sayyed Mohammed, the brother of Imam Al-Askari (PBUH). And he ordered me to meet him and after that, I woke up and it was 2 am. And I prayed 4 Raka’s of the Night Prayer. And I went to sleep and saw another vision also having Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in it asking to meet me. And I woke up and it was 4 am and so I finished my night prayers and then prayed Fajr.

Then after two days of these visions, I traveled to Samarra where I found the two Imams Al Hadi and Al Askari, (PBUH). Then I returned to Balad where I found Sayyed Mohammed (PBUH) then I went to Baghdad where I found the Imams Al-Kadhim and Al-Jawwad (PBUT). Then I went to Karbala where I found Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and the martyrs (PBUT). And I met Imam Mahdi (PBUH) at night in the Mausoleum of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). Then I met with Imam Al Mahdi in the morning in the Maqam of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), which is in Karbala at the end of the Al-Sidra street.

So we sat in the Maqam alone, which was almost empty of people, with the exception of the servant (of the Maqam) who was standing in the women’s prayer area away from us.

-Excerpt from “The Sermon of the Meeting” by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan