Leadership Structure of The Religion
Who Is the Faith Led By?
The faith is led by Imam Mohammed Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP). Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) sends forth the 12 Mahdis, the first of them being his right hand (Yamani), Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP).
Who Is the Effective Head of the Faith?
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) directs the Qaim (Riser), and supplies him with inspiration and guidance, and is a proof over him.
The effective head of the faith on Earth is the Qaim. The Qaim then has 313 companions, who come from all over the world, and he is a Proof over them.
Imam Al-Baqir (pbuh) said: “The companions of the Qaim (Riser) are 313 men and they are children of the non-Arabs. Some of them are carried in the clouds during the day. He is known by his name, the name of his father, his lineage and his description. Others of them are sleeping in their beds, so they come to meet him in Mecca without appointment”.
Kitāb al-Ghayba, al-Nuʿmānī, Translated by: Abdullah al-Shahin Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum First Edition, Page 459 (pdf)
What Are the Roles of the Companions of the Qaim?
These companions act as advisors to the Qaim, and serve as leaders of temples and its congregations in different countries throughout the world. They are also responsible for the daily operations and governance of the faith.
The 313 companions are split into three different groups. First, you have the top twelve, and these are the best of the 313, and are called “The Nuqabaa”. The second group are 28 in number and they are called “The Nujabaa”. Together, they are forty men. These do not separate from the Imam in every day and age and they are the pillars of the Earth. The third group consists of 273, and they are the remainder of the 313, and they are the close companions and are “The Muqaraboon”.
In addition to the 313 men who lead the faith, there are 50 women who advise the Qaim and take on the responsibilities of governing and overseeing the daily operations of the faith worldwide. The 313 and the 50 are a Proof over the people of the Earth. Obedience to them is obligatory, and obedience from them to the Qaim is obligatory.
The 313 and the 50 have taken vows that they are willing to die for the faith, and have taken vows to dedicate their entire lives to the propagation of the faith.
Similarly, the Catholic Church is led by the Pope. The Pope lives in his own country state, Vatican city, where he serves as head of state, i.e. king. He has over 200 cardinals, who serve as his advisors and counsellors. And they are from over 60 countries. They are appointed for life and belong to three orders. The highest order is the cardinal bishops, the next is cardinal priests and lastly are cardinal deacons. Collectively they form the College of Cardinals. They are dressed in red and wear a special ring. The red colour symbolises their willingness to die for their faith, and the ring symbolises their marriage to the church. They have many responsibilities, including leading their churches in their home countries, and day to day governance of the church.