The holy will of prophet mohammed (pbuh & His Family)
“O Father of Al-Hassan, bring me a pen and a paper’, so the Messenger of Allah (pbuhahf) dictated his Will until he came to this position where he said:
On a Thursday, just three days before the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) passed away, he requested a pen and paper to write down his last will and formally designate his successor for the Muslim community (Ummah). However, according to major Sunni sources such as Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, a group of companions, led by Umar, opposed the Prophet’s request, they accused him of speaking deliriously and questioned the wisdom of recording his will. This tragic episode highlights a significant disagreement among the companions regarding the Prophet’s final wishes and it was at this moment that disunity began within Islam.
Ibn Abbas said:
All these narrations prove that the Prophet wanted to write his Will. He wanted to write a statement for the Ummah in order to hold on tight to, so that they WILL NEVER GO ASTRAY AFTER HIS PASSING. However, some of the Companions tried to prevent the Prophet from writing his Will on that day, giving excuses that he (PBUH & His Family) was in pain and was delirious! Doesn’t the Quran say that “Your companion (meaning Mohammad)” is neither misguided nor astray and that he does not speak of his own mind and opinion, but everything he speaks is a revelation?
So When Umar said: “The book of Allah is sufficient for us”, was that actually a righteous thing to do? The Prophet is asking them to bring to him writing tools to write a statement and Umar replies “the Prophet is delirious”. When the Prophet commands something, it is an order and an obligation for those so-called “Companions” to submit and follow the order instantly.
In fact, let us see what the Quran tells us about this. Does the Prophet truly speak of his own mind? Was this act of Umar truly righteous? Has he followed what the Quran commanded the believers to do?
All these verses show that the Companions have wronged themselves when they did not obey the Prophet. It was certainly unrighteous of Umar to object to the Prophet and to try to prevent him from writing that day. This verse clearly states how he had certainly erred:
So the question here is, didn’t the Prophet describe the statement that he wanted to write as a ‘protection from misguidance’, when he said: “let me write to you a statement after which you will never go astray?” Isn’t that statement, that is a protection from misguidance, bringing the people closer to paradise?
So the prophet was commanding them to what will bring them closer to paradise, while Umar was calling the people to what will bring them closer to hellfire.
The Will is Divinely Protected
What is the proof that “Ahmed” mentioned in the Will is the Mahdi?
The teachings of the Ahlulbayt (From Them is Peace) already clarifies that divine appointment can not be claimed except by its rightful owner. However, the Sunni non-working scholars concealed the truth about divine successorship and divine appointment, and about the Supremacy of Allah.
From a logical point of view, since God the Almighty appoints caliphs on earth (“Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.” Al-Baqara verse 30), then this process of divine successorship must depend on a divine appointment and a Will. Therefore, it makes sense that God the Almighty protects the divine Will, otherwise people will not be able to recognize the true caliphs of God from the false claimants.
This is why the Prophet (PBUH & His Family) described his Will as being “a protection of misguidance” in both Sahih books.
Therefore the Will of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) is protected from being claimed by false claimants, otherwise it won’t be a ‘protection from misguidance’. The Prophet described it as such and therefore, only the truthful companion will claim it.
If we research what the Caliphs of Allah claimed to prove that they were the true caliphs we will find that they all claimed to be divinely appointed. Let’s see the following examples:
1- Jesus (PBUH) claimed to be the one that Moses (PBUH) prophesied about:
Jesus (PBUH) also claimed to be the one prophesied by Isaiah (PBUH):
2- Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) also claimed to be the one who was prophesied to come by Jesus (PBUH):
If anyone can simply come and claim the divine Will, then what makes us so sure that Prophet Mohammed or Jesus were truly from God? The only guarantee that they are true, is that the divine Will is protected and CAN ONLY BE CLAIMED BY ITS COMPANION.
We therefore proved that the Will must be protected and only its rightful claimant will claim it. Thus, when Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan claimed to be ‘Ahmed’ mentioned in the Will of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), he MUST BE THE TRUTHFUL CLAIMANT as the Will is a protection of misguidance.
Additional verses to contemplate over:
All Sunni scholars interpreted this verse saying that if the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) made up lies about God, then God will punish him and cut off his life. Let’s see Tafsir Ibn Katheer and Tafsir Al-Baghawi as two examples:
Even if we take their interpretation, it proves that Mohammed cannot claim anything from his own mind and that he was the rightful claimant after Jesus. Otherwise, God would have cut off his life.
When Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) came to us, he brought to us
the apparent will.
It was narrated from Abd Al A’ala that he said, I said to Abi Abdillah (PBUH):
Apparent means that it is something evident amongst the people, it is known and accepted and it is not something that somebody just came up with.
And Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (from him is peace) claimed to be “Ahmed” in the will of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) and that he is the vicegerent of Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him and his family).
Thus it says in the holy Qur’an:
And Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said:
And we know that the Mahdi is the one who comes with the Will.
And from it, from Moalla Ibn Mohammed, from Mohammed Ibn Jamhour, from Musa, from Al Hannan, from Al Hars Ibn Al Mugheira who said,
It was narrated from Abd Al A’ala that he said, I said to Abi Abdillah (PBUH):
Al-Mufadhal Ibn Umar had said:
Thus, the divine Will is protected by God and He the Almighty will cut off the life of anyone who claims it falsely.
Therefore, Ahmed Al-Hassan and Abdullah Aba Al-Sadiq both claimed the Will and are therefore the rightful companions of the Will. They are the successors whom we should hold tight to in this day and age…Peace and mercy is from them.