The Law of Knowing God's Vicegerent

One of the core principles of the foundation of the blessed Call is the Law of Knowing the Vicegerent.

We know that from the beginning of time, God has sent humanity His divine messenger, to guide and lead the people. We call this man God’s vicegerent on earth, or ‘Hujjah’ in Arabic.

However, it is possible to be misled by a false shepherd, or to be doubtful of whether or not a man is truly a vicegerent from God. Is there a way to know for sure?

As with every ruling from God the Almighty, there surely is a law to correctly analyse this. And far be it that God, in His justice and mercy, would not set a certain law and method for mankind to follow, in order that they may not be misguided. Otherwise the penalty of falling into misguidance would be wholly unjust.

So what exactly is this Law of Recognising the Vicegerent?

We can glean this from the narrations and ahadith of the Ahlulbayt (From Them is Peace), the ones who have always guided us on how to know the truth. And in his mercy, Imam Ahmed Al Hassan (From Him is Peace) has outlined these criteria very clearly for all to see and understand.

Let us now go into what these criteria are, according to the ahadith of the Ahlulbayt of Mohammed sawas.

So the three criteria that have been listed by the Ahlulbayt (From Them is Peace) are:

The Will

An apparent WILL from the messenger who precedes him.

Divine Knowledge

The vicegerent will have a weapon. The weapon of the Mahdi in the End Times is known to be KNOWLEDGE.

Call to God Alone

The BANNER OF ALLAH always calls towards God, and this is the banner of the Mahdi during the End Times, the one that calls towards paying allegiance to God alone.


Every messenger of God is meant to appoint his successor. 

Do we have an example of this happening in history?

We have the example of the appointment of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (From Him is Peace) where we see Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) clearly appointing Imam Ali (From Him is Peace) in front of the people and saying to them:

We have another example of a person claiming an apparent Will, and that is Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), who claimed to be the promised Paracelete or Comforter or “Ahmed” mentioned by Jesus (PBUH):

And in the Quran, it is mentioned again:

So we see that in God’s system, a messenger is meant to appoint his successor, and make it obvious and public, for the people to know.


Did the Riser Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace) claim the Will?

The only ones to claim the Will of the Prophet (PBUH & His Family) are The Riser Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace). Before the appearance of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) and his declaration of being God’s messenger to the people, nobody else ever claimed the Will.

And it was Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq who claimed the will as the individual named by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) to be ‘Abdullah’.

Since the time of Adam until now, God has not deprived us of his guidance through his prophets and messengers as a means to identify Him SWT. Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace) came with many proofs, and the greatest proof is the divinely protected Will of the Messenger of God Mohammed (PBUH & His Family).

The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), on the night of his death, said to Ali ibn Abi Talib (From Him is Peace): 

Is it possible for someone false to claim the Will?

The truth is, it is impossible that someone falsely claims the divinely protected Will after the first claimant. It is a miracle in itself that nobody for the past 1,400 years has ever claimed to be the ‘Ahmed’ or the ‘Abdullah’ mentioned in the Will except for Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) and Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace).


The second criterion we see is that the vicegerent of Allah has to be an individual who can answer people’s questions, specifically in these great matters that are only revealed by a divine messenger, the matters that are referred to as the greatest of matters or ‘Aza’im Al O’moor’.  

Do we have an example of this happening in history?

We see from the Quran:

So the person claiming to be a divine messenger from God has to be somebody who knows matters of the unseen, who knows and reveals incarnations and who comes forth with answers to questions that nobody was able to answer before. Furthermore, he has to be able to show this knowledge.


Did Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) come with divine knowledge?

Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) has demonstrated that he has this knowledge, and he demonstrated it through his interpretation of the Quran, through his answers to the people’s questions, and through revealing great matters that can only be revealed by a divinely appointed messenger from God. 

Here is further proof of a unique piece of knowledge that the Riser Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace) came with.

In the Quran it says: 

It is this specific knowledge that is the key proof to identify the Riser (Qaim) of the family of Mohammed, as Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said:

Nobody on this planet came forth and revealed the true soul lineages and soul family kinship except the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace). The fact that they have brought forth the Law of Recognizing the Vicegerent of Allah is enough to show that they are knowledgeable. 

The gospel ‘The Goal of The Wise’ is a testament to the incredible and divine knowledge of Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace).

Therefore, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) and Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) have now fulfilled two criteria of the Law of Recognizing the Vicegerent of Allah.


The messenger of Allah is meant to always call the people towards the supremacy of Allah. He is God’s vicegerent to the people, so his goal is to bring them to pay allegiance to God alone.

This is the concept of ‘Supremacy of Allah’.

Do we have an example of this happening in history?

Prophets and messengers throughout history have been chosen and sent by God the Almighty and have had the exact same call. They all called the people to pay allegiance to God, without associating partners with him, and they all called to the supremacy of Allah.

Before the creation of Adam God had already decided to make him his representative:

Prophet Noah (PBUH) is also mentioned in the Quran making the same call:

As was Prophet Hud (PBUH), and every other messenger as well.

Do the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al Hassan (From Them is Peace) have the same call towards Allah?

The banner of the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace) has the prophesied message for all to see, the one mentioned in the ahadith of the End Times. It is written on it ‘Allegiance is to Allah’.

Their banner is the one that the Saviour of Mankind is meant to be carrying and it is the banner of the Ahlulbayt. 

These three criteria have been met by the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace). They were mentioned in the Will of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), they came with the weapon of knowledge and they hold the banner of the Mahdi that calls the people towards God alone.

If a person is truly sincere to find God or to find His vicegerent on Earth, then it is absolutely impossible that God misguides them. It is not from God’s justice or mercy that He SWT sees a sincere person asking for guidance and still allows them to fall into misguidance.

Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace), the second Mahdi, has said, 

God does not misguide His sincere servants.”

There is a great deal of wealth in these few words.

If we believe that God is good, that He is trustworthy, that He is merciful, the Shepherd who would never misguide, the father who heeds His children’s supplications, then how is it possible that an individual asks Him for help in finding the vicegerent and He SWT allows that they be misguided? Far be it from Him that we associate such an injustice to Him SWT.

Anyone with a reasoning mind will be able to see that Aba Al-Sadiq and Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Them is Peace) have fulfilled the three criteria of the Law of Recognizing the Vicegerent of Allah, that were taught to us by the Ahlulbayt of Mohammed (From Them is Peace). This is sufficient for any sincere truth seeker to prove his truthfulness.


Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) Meets Imam Mohammed Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family)

And the story of this meeting was that one day I was asleep and in my sleep, I saw a vision. And the Imam Mahdi (PBUH) was standing near the Mausoleum of Sayyed Mohammed, the brother of Imam Al-Askari (PBUH). And he ordered me to meet him and after that, I woke up and it was 2 am. And I prayed 4 Raka’s of the Night Prayer. And I went to sleep and saw another vision also having Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in it asking to meet me. And I woke up and it was 4 am and so I finished my night prayers and then prayed Fajr.

Then after two days of these visions, I traveled to Samarra where I found the two Imams Al Hadi and Al Askari, (PBUH). Then I returned to Balad where I found Sayyed Mohammed (PBUH) then I went to Baghdad where I found the Imams Al-Kadhim and Al-Jawwad (PBUT). Then I went to Karbala where I found Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and the martyrs (PBUT). And I met Imam Mahdi (PBUH) at night in the Mausoleum of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). Then I met with Imam Al Mahdi in the morning in the Maqam of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), which is in Karbala at the end of the Al-Sidra street.

So we sat in the Maqam alone, which was almost empty of people, with the exception of the servant (of the Maqam) who was standing in the women’s prayer area away from us.

-Excerpt from “The Sermon of the Meeting” by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan