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Meet the believers from around the world who have pledged their allegiance to this Call. Men and women from different countries, nationalities, and backgrounds who found the Riser Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) and have dedicated their lives to this Call.

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THE Goal Of The WISE

2003 - 2004

Ansar Pledge Belief in Ahmed Al-Hassan (fhip)

“…And that was in Jamadi of 1423, the Hijri Moon Year, and after that many of the Hawza students pledged allegiance to me. But then there came to them something of fear and Saddam’s forces began coming after me so they went back on their pledge and oath. And then each individual and group looked for a reason to go back on their pledge and an allegation to accuse me of. But in the end, they agreed upon two things, the first was to accuse me of being a great magician, and the second accusation is that I control the Jinn and use them and summon them forth to control them. And so I returned home after the group separated and there remained with me not except a few of the Hawza students and some of the believers.

And in the year 1424 and in the month of Jamadi the first, there came to me a group of the believers and they renewed their pledge to me. And they brought me out of my house and the Dawa started again. And on the last two days of the month of Ramadan in this year of 1424 Hijri Moon year (which was in November 2004). Imam Mahdi (pbuh) commanded me to address the people of the Earth in their entirety and to each with regards to their commands that will come from Imam Mahdi…

…On the third day of Shawal Imam Mahdi (PBUH), commanded me to announce the revolution against the oppressors and to calculate the steps and work fast for I have invited the people to the support of the Truth and its people, and to implement the Truth and to raise the words of “There is no God but Allah.”

-Excerpt from “The Sermon of the Meeting” by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan

November 2004

Public Announcement of the Call

“And on the last two days of the month of Ramadan in this year of 1424 Hijri Moon year (which was in November 2004). Imam Mahdi (pbuh) commanded me to address the people of the Earth in their entirety and to each with regard to their commands that will come from Imam Mahdi. And on the third day of Shawal Imam Mahdi (pbuh) commanded me to announce the revolution against the oppressors and to calculate the steps and work fast for I have invited the people to the support of the Truth and its people, and to implement the Truth and to raise the words of “There is no God but Allah” for verily Allah’s word is the Highest, Verily Allah’s word is the Highest, Verily Allah’s word is the Highest and the word of the Disbelievers is the Lowest, so support Allah and He will support you and will make your feet firm.”

-Excerpt from “The Sermon of the Meeting” by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan

Mid 2007

Ahmed Al-Hassan (fhip) Enters into Occultation/Silent Absence

In 2007, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) went into a silent absence due to betrayals from the Ansar.

This was prophesied by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family):

“Then The Messenger of Allah (PBUH & His Family) turned to us and said while raising his voice: Be cautious when the fifth from the seventh of my sons is lost. Ali (PBUH) said: So I said “O Messenger of Allah, so what would this absence be? So he said: Silence, until Allah gives him permission to emerge…“   

– Mo’jam Ahadeeth Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, Ali Al-Korani, 1st ed., v.1, p.296, hadith 190

And in another version:

So Ali (PBUH) said: I said “O Messenger of Allah, what would his condition be during his absence?” So he said: “He is patient until Allah gives him permission to emerge…“ 

– Bihar Al-Anwar, Mohammed Baqir Al-Majlisi, 3rd ed., v.36, p.335, hadith 195 and in v.52, p.380, hadith 189

The silent absence of Ahmed Al-Hassan (fhip) fulfills a prophecy from Ahlulbayt (pbut). Imam Ali said:

“…I was thinking about a man who will be born from the eleventh from my sons, he is the Mahdi who will fill it with justice and equity as it was filled with oppression and injustice. There will be a confusion and an absence for him, people will go astray in it, and some others will be guided in it” So I said? So how long will the confusion and absence be? So he (PBUH) said: “six days, or six months, or six years”

– Al-Ghayba, Mohammed ibn Al-Hassan ‘Al-Toosi’, 3rd ed., p.165, hadith 127

When you calculate it, the son of the 11th son of Imam Ali is the First Mahdi. For six years, Ahmad Al-Hassan was not seen or heard from. But the seeds which he had planted before his absence, came to blossom. During these years, many people heard the Call and believed in Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP).

2011 - 2014

Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP) Builds the Platform of Egypt

In 2011, Abdullah Hashem (FHIP) worked on gathering Ansar in Egypt who believed firmly in the Call of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP). Many believers from around the world came rushing to him, with the firm belief in the ahadith of the Imams that to reach the Mahdi they must overcome every obstacle, “…even if it meant crawling over ice.” They gave up their former lives to live together with their brothers and sisters, and supported Abdullah Hashem (fhip) in the aim to support Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family). They strove to build the media platform for the Imam, thus fulfilling the hadith of the End Times about the Minbar of Egypt…

“Abaya Al-Asady said, I heard the Prince of Believers (pbuh) saying, ‘I shall build in Egypt a platform, and I shall destroy Damascus brick by brick, and I shall take out the Jews and the Christians from all the lands of the Arabs, and I shall drive the Arabs with this staff of mine’ He was asked: ‘It is as if you are saying you shall come to life after your death?’ The Imam (pbuh) responded: ‘Wait O Abaya, you have taken it in another way, a man from me shall do it.”

– Bihar Al-Anwar, Mohammed Baqir Al-Majlisi, 3rd ed., v.53, p.60, hadith 47

– Ma’ani Al-Akhbar, Mohammed ibn Ali Babawayh ‘Al-Sadooq’, 2nd ed., p.406, hadith 82

This small group of believers spent the next years producing and spreading videos and media about the Call of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (fhip) to all four corners of the world, a task which they continue to do until this day.

To know more about the life and journey of Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP), the Second Mahdi, please click here:

12 Dec 2012

Impostor poses as Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) on facebook

Seizing the chance to take control over the people, former deceitful companions of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) formed an office in his name in Najaf, Iraq. They pretended to represent the Yamani from the Family of Mohammed (FHIP). Using his name, they established a form of authority over the Ansar around the world, claiming that they were working for him in his name and with his approval. This was all based on falsehood and treachery.

They created a fake Facebook page in the name of Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP), they imitated his voice and they stole the donations of the Ansar, while issuing statements and press releases that were in complete opposition to the blessed Call of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP).

23 Jan 2015

The Death of king abdullah of saudi arabia

On the 23rd of January 2015, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died, thus fulfilling one of the most relevant and crucial prophecies mentioned in the ahadith of the End Times, indicating the arrival of the Mahdi (PBUH).

“It was narrated that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: “Hijaz will be ruled by a man whose name is the name of an animal, if you see him from far, you would think he’s crossed-eyed, and if you come close to him, you do not see anything (wrong) in his eyes. He will be succeeded by a brother of his, named Abdullah. Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! Woe to our Shia (followers) from him! – he repeated it three times – Give me the glad tidings of his death and I give you the glad tidings of the appearance of the Hujjah (Imam Mahdi).”

– 250 Signs, Mohammed Ali Tabatabaei, p.121, no. 88 (online book)

This day also marked the significant appearance of another prophesied character: The Qaim of the Family of Mohammed, Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq.

And Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said: “Whoever guarantees for me the death of Abdullah, I shall guarantee for him the Qaim.” – Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 52, p. 210; Ghaybat Al-Tus

23 Jan - 13 june 2015

Believers anonymously spread the news of the raising of the black banners

After the death of King Abdullah on the 23rd of January 2015, the Black Banners Ansar began to anonymously spread the message of the Black Banners on the internet. This was the fulfilment of the prophecy that the Qaim would be raising the Black Banners, as per hadith. The believers did this under the guidance of the Qaim Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP)

Abi Baseer narrated that Aba Abdillah (PBUH) said in a long hadith about the Qaim of the Family of Mohammed (PBUH & his Family):

“Then he will shake the banner and will walk by it, so there will remain no one in the East or the West except that they will curse it, and it is the banner of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH & His Family), Gabriel descended with it on the day of Badr. Then he said: “O Abu Mohammed, by Allah it is not cotton nor silk nor linen. So I said: “So what is it from?” So he said: “From the paper of paradise, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH & His Family) spread it on the day of Badr, then he wrapped it and pushed it to Ali (PBUH). So it remained with Ali (PBUH) until the day of Basra came, so the Commander of the Believers (PBUH) spread it so Allah opened for him (made him victorious). Then he wrapped it, and it is with us there. No one will spread it until the Qaim rises, so if he rises he will spread it, and no one in the East or the West will remain except that they will curse it.”

– Al-Ghayba, Ibn Abi Zainab Al-No’mani, 1st ed., p.320, hadith 2 (Online book: p.318)

Just as it was said in the hadith, this black banner was not a material banner, but one that spread through the skies from home to home on the internet, with supporters spreading the glad tidings of the arrival of the Saviour of Mankind to all.


It was narrated from the Ahlulbayt (pbut): 

“Verily, we Ahlulbayt have a banner, whoever goes ahead of it has renegaded, and whoever is late to it has perished, and whoever follows it has followed [us], it is written on it: ‘Allegiance is to Allah!’”

– 250 Signs, Mohammad Ali Tabatabaei, 1st ed., p.19

18 September 2015

First Statement of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (fhip) After Occultation

The Imam’s (FHIP) statement was read out in the International Paltalk Group on the 18th September 2015 at 10pm KSA time:

“Submit to the truth O Ansar Allah!

In the Name of Allah the Abundantly Merciful the Intensely Merciful, and all praises belong to Allah the Lord of the worlds, May Allah send His prayers upon Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed the Imams and the Mahdis.

The believers in the Easts of earth and its Wests, peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.

“And whatever the Messenger has given you – take; and what he has forbidden you – refrain from. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe in punishment.” (Holy Quran, Al-Hashr verse 7)

O believers, O owners of pure hearts which have believed in the unseen.

May Allah be good to you and may Allah bless all of you.

Today, as everyone knows, the blessed Call is going through difficult and hard days, as the previous Calls of the messengers and prophets have gone through, from oppression and belying and mocking and continuous attempts to obliterate the Call of Imam Mahdi (pbuh) by the criminals and disbelievers and immoral ones who claim to believe in the religion of Islam and claim to be Shia and claim to believe in the Dawa of Imam Mahdi (pbuh), but they are lying for the sake of some money or positions or empty glory, and for the sake of serving the devil and serving their masters in the despicable government of bani Abbas which is enslaved by the greater devil America the cursed.

And those people are the imposters, they are Sadik Al Husseini, Alaa Al Salem, Nathim Al Uqeili, Saleh Al Safi, and others from the impure immoral disbelievers.

So woe to them, and there is a torment to them in the world and the hereafter by the hands of the soldiers of Allah, the unknown in earth and known in the heavens, the sharp and unsheathed swords of Allah.

We warn you, O filthy ones and we say to you, by Allah by Allah your day is near and your hour is near and you will taste the punishment and death soon and not late, this is the promise of Allah… “O Prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination”. (Holy Quran, Al Tahrim verse 9)

My believing sons and daughters, today I would like to point out an extremely important matter.

A while ago, I have appointed servants for you in Iraq through my son (Ahmed Murad Aba Michael) and I was present in this meeting myself in a private room on Paltalk

And there were three witnesses, one from inside Iraq and he is the so called Sayed Hossam Al Jabry, and the other two were Batool, Omm Ashraf, may Allah guide her and have mercy on her….and my son Abdullah Hashem, Aba Al-Sadiq.

And before that, Sayed Hossam Al Jabry wrote to me and sent me a message asking me to appoint a person to manage the duties of the Dawa, direct it and take care of the affairs of the imprisoned oppressed sons of this Dawa.

So we approved his request and we knew what was in his heart, that he was hoping to obtain this position or post because he was attached to this matter and because of his love for illusionary positions and love for leadership. And everybody knows this about Hossam, the enemy, the friend and the close one. So when things did not go as he desired, he rushed and hurried into fighting the blessed Black Banners of the East because he did not believe in it from the first day it emerged. But he did not have another choice after he saw how he lost everything and did not get any position with the calf and the followers of the calf….so he said to himself “let’s go with the Black Banners, maybe we will get a position in it”. May Allah curse this deluded and sick mind.

And by Allah, if Al Jabry was given a position or post with the Black Banners of the East, he would have done so even if he was certain it is false, God forbid…and if he obtains a position with the cursed Samiri, and he knows from a long time ago that they are false, he would have stayed and defended them for this position that he obtained.

So respect your mind O ignorant one, you have ruined so, so much of what you have presented to the religion of Allah and all your big and abundant sacrifices have gone in vain…

“And We will regard what they have done of deeds and make them as dust dispersed.”(Holy Quran, Al-Furqan verse 23)

So repent to Allah in your solitude and fear Allah and stop lying to yourself and to others…and to those who trust you, while you know that you are a liar and a hypocrite.

“When the hypocrites come to you, [O Mohammed], they say, “We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah .” And Allah knows that you are His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars. They have taken their oaths as a cover, so they averted [people] from the way of Allah . Indeed, it was evil that they were doing” (Holy Quran, Al-Munafiqoon verses 1-2)

All thanks due to Allah, my believing sons and daughters.

Allah promised the believers relief and victory very soon inshallah… amongst you are the prophets, preferred ones, righteous ones and believers.

My children, a while ago I have appointed to you your servant and your brother Abdullah Hashem, as the general responsible over the world. And I have delegated to him a number of duties. And he is in direct contact with me without any mediator.

Any decision comes through him and any command comes through him in what pleases God, for he is true and he is from me in this stage until Allah commands the immediate fast relief of the Family of Mohammed inshallah.

And may Allah send his peace and blessings upon Mohammed and his purified family, the Imams and the Mahdis and send great blessings.

And peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.

Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP), 18/09/2015


Testimonials about the Goal of The Wise

The Holy Bible

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The School OF divine mysteries

A series of awe-inspiring, mind-altering, and enlightening revelations out to transform our perspectives on history, religion, governance, human existence, its role in the universe, and much more.

The Mahdi's Manifesto

Al Haft Al-Shareef

The official English Translation of Al-Haft Al-Shareef by Aba Al-Sadiq (FHIP)

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The Book of Monotheism

The Book of Monotheism by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan in different languages

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The CaLF

The Calf by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan in different languages

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Sayings of Imam Ahmed Al Hassan (FHIP)

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The Forgotten Truth

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The Holy Quran

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Ahmed Al-Hassan (FHIP) Meets Imam Mohammed Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family)

And the story of this meeting was that one day I was asleep and in my sleep, I saw a vision. And the Imam Mahdi (PBUH) was standing near the Mausoleum of Sayyed Mohammed, the brother of Imam Al-Askari (PBUH). And he ordered me to meet him and after that, I woke up and it was 2 am. And I prayed 4 Raka’s of the Night Prayer. And I went to sleep and saw another vision also having Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in it asking to meet me. And I woke up and it was 4 am and so I finished my night prayers and then prayed Fajr.

Then after two days of these visions, I traveled to Samarra where I found the two Imams Al Hadi and Al Askari, (PBUH). Then I returned to Balad where I found Sayyed Mohammed (PBUH) then I went to Baghdad where I found the Imams Al-Kadhim and Al-Jawwad (PBUT). Then I went to Karbala where I found Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH) and the martyrs (PBUT). And I met Imam Mahdi (PBUH) at night in the Mausoleum of Imam Al-Hussain (PBUH). Then I met with Imam Al Mahdi in the morning in the Maqam of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), which is in Karbala at the end of the Al-Sidra street.

So we sat in the Maqam alone, which was almost empty of people, with the exception of the servant (of the Maqam) who was standing in the women’s prayer area away from us.

-Excerpt from “The Sermon of the Meeting” by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan