Religious persecution
Many authoritarian forces, primarily in the Middle East, have taken issue with the appearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) and the Riser Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace).
Since the release of the holy gospel, The Goal of The Wise, authored by Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace), believers around the world found themselves in a sudden onslaught of persecution and inexcusable abuse at the hands of governments and scholars.
Ansar or supporters in Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Syria, Jordan, and many other countries were brutally treated, imprisoned, their houses and cars were shot at, and supposedly Islamic verdicts were made stating that killing a believer in this religion is acceptable. They were beaten, tied down, force-fed antipsychotic drugs, and cursed at by police, by government officials, by court officials, by so-called religious scholars, and by their own friends and family.
And this is the fate that was met by the believers in this religion simply for believing in the humanitarian ideals found in The Goal of The Wise that seek to unify and preach tolerance.
The book of Aba Al-Sadiq is a book that does what no other book has ever done:
It successfully unifies the Abrahamic faiths under one prophesied banner.
It displays the practical possibility of tolerance between the religions of the world.
And it proves how all of mankind in every nation can succeed in establishing a relationship with God.
There is no room in this book for discrimination, or extremism, or hatred, or bias.
It is a book that truly preaches the good word of God, while providing evidence of this good word in previously established holy scripture, such as the Bible, the Torah, and the Holy Qur’an.
And so, this book and this religion is not mimicking the extremist stance of Islamic countries in the Middle East, countries that advocate to beat women for not covering their hair, or countries where people are murdered for their sexual orientations, or countries where it is acceptable and even recommended to shoot at people for believing in a new covenant with God that says, Humanity First.
Many authoritarian forces, primarily in the Middle East, have taken issue with the appearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) and the Riser Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace).
Since the release of the holy gospel, The Goal of The Wise, authored by Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace), believers around the world found themselves in a sudden onslaught of persecution and inexcusable abuse at the hands of governments and scholars.
Ansar or supporters in Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Syria, Jordan, and many other countries were brutally treated, imprisoned, their houses and cars were shot at, and supposedly Islamic verdicts were made stating that killing a believer in this religion is acceptable. They were beaten, tied down, force-fed antipsychotic drugs, and cursed at by police, by government officials, by court officials, by so-called religious scholars, and by their own friends and family.
And this is the fate that was met by the believers in this religion simply for believing in the humanitarian ideals found in The Goal of The Wise that seek to unify and preach tolerance.
The book of Aba Al-Sadiq is a book that does what no other book has ever done:
It successfully unifies the Abrahamic faiths under one prophesied banner.
It displays the practical possibility of tolerance between the religions of the world.
And it proves how all of mankind in every nation can succeed in establishing a relationship with God.
There is no room in this book for discrimination, or extremism, or hatred, or bias.
It is a book that truly preaches the good word of God, while providing evidence of this good word in previously established holy scripture, such as the Bible, the Torah, and the Holy Qur’an.
And so, this book and this religion is not mimicking the extremist stance of Islamic countries in the Middle East, countries that advocate to beat women for not covering their hair, or countries where people are murdered for their sexual orientations, or countries where it is acceptable and even recommended to shoot at people for believing in a new covenant with God that says, Humanity First.
Persecution of Algerian members of the Faith
Members of the Faith living in Algeria have faced unjust abuse at the hands of government authorities and court officials. Men, women, and children, who are believers in this Call, have suffered greatly, leading to human rights organizations around the world standing in their defense.
Human Rights Without Frontiers took an active role in speaking out against the unjust persecution, among many other HROs.
Read the full report here:
Members of the Faith living in Algeria have faced unjust abuse at the hands of government authorities and court officials. Men, women, and children, who are believers in this Call, have suffered greatly, leading to human rights organizations around the world standing in their defense.
Human Rights Without Frontiers took an active role in speaking out against the unjust persecution, among many other HROs.
Read the full report here:
Members of the Faith living in Algeria have faced unjust abuse at the hands of government authorities and court officials. Men, women, and children, who are believers in this Call, have suffered greatly, leading to human rights organizations around the world standing in their defense.
Human Rights Without Frontiers took an active role in speaking out against the unjust persecution, among many other HROs.
Read the full report here:
Persecution of Iranian members of the Faith
Members of the Faith living in Iran have suffered great ordeals and torment at the hands of the Iranian regime. Men, women and children were attacked and oppressed for being believers in this Call.
Members of the Faith living in Iran have suffered great ordeals and torment at the hands of the Iranian regime. Men, women and children were attacked and oppressed for being believers in this Call.
Over 100 members of the religion beaten and arrested at turkish-bulgarian border
Over 100 members of the faith including men, women, and children were refused the right to asylum at the Turkish-Bulgarian Border and detained on the 24th of May, 2023. They were imprisoned in inhumane conditions for months. This detention has since been overruled by Turkish courts.
Over 100 members of the faith including men, women, and children were refused the right to asylum at the Turkish-Bulgarian Border and detained on the 24th of May, 2023. They were imprisoned in inhumane conditions for months. This detention has since been overruled by Turkish courts.
Peaceful Protests and unjust arrests
Missionary work is a cornerstone of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, with proclaiming the glad tidings of a savior being a fundamental aspect of their practice. However, many states in the Middle East persecute members of our religion for practicing their right to freedom of religion, compelling them to either conceal their religious beliefs or face imprisonment.
Missionary work is a cornerstone of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, with proclaiming the glad tidings of a savior being a fundamental aspect of their practice. However, many states in the Middle East persecute members of our religion for practicing their right to freedom of religion, compelling them to either conceal their religious beliefs or face imprisonment.